CarnEvil, Thema BUTFF2016

Every year, BUTFF has a specific theme for their program. The program and artwork are inspired by the chosen theme - as well as the decorations at the festival. In the history of B-movies, there are many examples where new trends in the film industry are being introduced. When we look back, we can state that some of these examples really changed the way we make films nowadays. Every year, BUTFF introduces their visitors to a significant part of the B-movie history.

CarnEvil will be the theme of BUTFF 2016: imagine horror circus, grand guignol, scary clowns and above all, the tv-show CARNIVALE.  The eleventh edition is the one after the round and perfect number ten. Eleven is the crazy number, the number of the misfit who is ‘one too many’ and doesn’t belong anywhere. This numerical inspiration for the annual Dutch carnival will be the inspiration for our theme: CarnEvil.